Saving Tips

savings_image1By simply turning back your thermostat 10% to 15% for just 8 hours per day you will save as much as 10% a year on your heating and cooling bills. Using a programmable thermostat can easily achieve this without losing any comfort. Program it to call for less heat or a/c while you are not even home. The best part is that each day of the week or even parts of the day can be customized to your needs.

Here are six basic things you can do yourself to maximize the efficiency of your home comfort units and save on energy bills:

Checking Your Filters

Check your filter every month, assuring proper air flow. A dirty filter starves your system of air and causes excessive wear on your air conditioner, furnace or heat pump. Replace your filter when necessary, or clean it if you have the reusable type. If you have a reusable filter, make sure it’s completely dry before you re-install it.

Removing Debris

Keep your outdoor condensing unit free of debris, grass clippings, leaves, shrubs, etc. This should help your system require only minimal care. Check the base pan (underneath the unit) and clear from any blockage, to help the unit drain properly.

Checking Unit Positioning

Make sure your outdoor condensing unit stays in a level position. If the support for your outdoor unit shifts or settles, re-level it to make sure moisture drains properly out from under the unit.

Proper Insulation

Be sure your home is adequately insulated. Adding insulation to attic areas is usually very easy & cost effective. Other areas, such as outside walls, provide a more challenging project if extra insulation is needed.

Checking Seals

Check out the caulking and seals around windows, doors, electrical outlets or any other potential sources for escaping air. Seal these areas using a good quality caulk and be sure to re-examine your work every few years.

Water Heater

Turn down the temperature on your water heater. If you set the temperature at 120º F or below, you will save about 4% of your energy cost per 10º that you lower the water heater thermostat. When you go on vacation use the “vacation setting” on your water heater if available, or just turn it down lower than usual.

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New Jersey Master Plumbing License 11239